Friday 22 May 2020

Hello Goodbye

This is my hello goodbye poem It is focused on lockdown. Hello means what I is happing out of lockdown and goodbye stuff in lockdown. It was fun to make.

Tuesday 12 May 2020


1?2 Helen Clark 3 hoi ho 4 Hamilton 5 Haiti 6 helicopters 7 hammerhead shark 8 harry potter 9 hexagon 10 Horton hears a who.

Anzac slide

 Mark and I made a slide about comparing what happened in world war 1 and now. I was really fun to make.

Monday 11 May 2020

Would you rather be a boss or an employee

Would you rather be boss or an employee? I would be an employee so then I don't have to worry about my business going bankrupt. 


1 Greenland
2 Germany
4 giggle
5 giant
6 giraffes
7 great barrier reef
8 green
9 Greece
10 grapes

Ecosystem word find This is my word find that I made.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Tell me your best joke

Tell me your best joke.
There were 2 sausages in an oven, one sausage said it's getting hot in here and the other sausages said arr a talking sausage.

Rotational Symmetry

Tuesday 5 May 2020

If I could invite three people to a dinner party it would be

If I could invite three people to a dinner party it would be Jarrod Croker because he is my favourite league player. The second person would be Trent boult because he is my favourite cricketer. The Third-person would be Scot McLaughlin because he good at racing and how many wins he has.

Friday 1 May 2020

Geography questins

1 Where is Normandy located?
2 Where is the giant gumboot located in New Zealand?
3  Where is the Big Lemon and Paeroa Bottle located? 
4 Where is the big doughnut located?
5 Where is the only township on Stewart Island? 
6 What is the capital of Australia? 
7 What is the old name of Istanbul? 
8 What is the largest iland in the world?
9 What is Earth's largest continent?
10 What is the capital of Alaska?